Goemon5: Quotes

Goemon5 via Krystal Luchia

What others say about me

Goemon5 is an incredibly awesome person, with a great sense of humour, a unique sound, a touch for instruments, and a very beautiful voice. But don't take my word for it. Here are some words from the people who have heard the man, and unarguably enjoyed the performance.

"[...] a progressive folksy tune, with a jazzy inspiration; and that accent plays right into it."
Marten, grass-roots engineer who knows Loreena McKennitt back from the days when she was busking the Streets of Toronto

"I just want him to follow me around all day, and play music."
Jacqueline, former student of Goemon

"When it comes to melancholic compositions there are many artists who hit rock-bottom with their songs. Goemon somehow discovered a trap-door, to drive it even deeper."
Jonathan Fergusson, musician

"Like a modern-day troubadour."
Hello Moth, musician

"You shouldn't play that many half-notes. Don't you have a song with major chords?"

"[...] the voice of an angel, a German angel."
Brendon Aberdeen, musician

"Unique and quite wonderful."
Theo Nelson, radio host at CJSW

Elsie, the pet mouse